1. Vincas buvo labai nepatenkintas praeitos savaites show tad jis atliko kai kuries bookeriu pakeitimus.
2. " Karsciausia Kanados moteriska zvaidzde " buvo isrinkta Leah Miller jeigu ne Leah Trish Stratus butu laimejusi sias varzybas.
3. TNA ruosiasi vienam vakarui i TNA show pakviest WWE buvusi wrestleri Al Snow. Al Snow dar neapsisprende ar tikrai bus per TNA show.
4. Jau pareiksta, kad Stone Cold dalyvaus per 2009 metu WWE Hall Of Fame renyni.
5. WWE komentatorius Jim Ross pareiske, kad nenustebs, kad dar pries Wrestlemania XXV WWE patirs ekonomine krize.
6. O stai ir TNA Final Resoliution rezultatai :
Feast or Fired Match Cute Kip, Sonjay Dut, Jimmy
Rave, Lance Rock, Alex Shelley, BG James, Jay Lethal, Consequences
Creed, Curry Man, Homicide, Hernandez, and Shark Boy.
Case Winners: Hernandez, Curry Man, Jay Lethal, Homicide Jay Lethal won a tag team title shot
6 Person Tag Taylor Wilde, Roxxi, and ODB def. Beautiful People and Sharmell
X Division Championship Eric Young def. Sheik Abdul Bashir Young new champion
Women's Championship Christy Hemme def. Awesome Kong via DQ Kong still champion
Tag Team Championship Beer Money Inc. def. Abyss and Matt Morgan Beer Money retains
Mick Foley Special Referee Kurt Angle def. Rhino Al Snow distracted Foley, then Angle hit Rhino with a chair then got the 3 count. Angle gets a rematch with Jeff Jarrett.
TNA Championship Main Event Mafia def. TNA Front Line Sting pinned Samoa Joe to retain the title Sting then walked out on MEM as they celebrated in the ring.
7. Stai ka sake WWE komentatorius Jim Ross per rytine radio show laida apie Christian Cage ir Gail Kim atejima i WWE :
"He’s a quality human being,” Ross said regarding Cage. "As far as I
know he still works for TNA. If he comes to WWE I’m sure he’s going to
be given great opportunities and knowing him he’ll take advantage of
them. Same with Gail Kim. She’s not quite on the level, we’re talking
about a Kurt Angle or Christian but in the Diva realm, she’s certainly
established a great reputation and a great following for her work that
she has done for the last couple of years. She’s improved immensely. So
all those people, anytime you can find people that can help your team,
you should pursue it.”
8. WWE ir vel kviete Hulk Hogan pasirodyti per Tribute to The Troops show, bet Hulkas nesutiko, nes jo sunus Nick Hogan neseniai buvo paleistas is kalejimo ir jam dabar negalima isvaziuot is šalies.