Head: Face: Nose: 7 Figure 2 Eyes: 11 Mouth: 81 Hair: Base: 46 Figure 11 (133,136,136) Facial Hair: 1 (138,128,128) Glasses:9 (128,128,0)
Upper Body: T-Shirt: Base: 1 (127,128,0,72) Accessories: 81 (128,128,128)
Lower Body: Feet: Shoes: 5 (36,128,128,128) Pants: 12 (128,0,120)
Figure: Height: 568
Music: Dudley Boyz
Crowd Signs: Choose 3 from: 3D sign on page 2, Table and Dudley Boyz signs on page 5 Get The Tables signs on page 14
Classification: Lightweight
Traits: X-Pac-, Albert-, Crash-, Hardcore Holly-, Weak Knee
Ability: Powerful: 2,2,2 Speedy: 4,4,2 Technical: 3,3,2 Rough Neck: ,4,4,3
Logic: Hardcore, Grapple
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