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Naujienos ir faktai apie wrestlinga
KyoSniperDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-10-25, 09:35 | Message # 46
WW Superstar
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 333
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Status: Neprisijungęs
Nu ir idomiai čia su tuo Triple H ir Deadmean katras katram manau pamatysime eiline dq...

ViliusDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-10-25, 11:45 | Message # 47
WW Alumni
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Lance kaeidui priepolis biggrin maziau vartoja medziagu visokiu dry

bingoltDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-10-25, 16:55 | Message # 48
WW Alumni
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2extreme gal paskelbtum kad koks legenda grysta i wwe? biggrin
O siaip puikios naujienos,bet deja wwe jau pabodo ten nebeliko ko nors idomaus,visi geriausi wrestleriai dingo,nebent undertaker ir rey su hardziais o taip zmones pasiilgo zmoniu tokiu kaip: goldberg,hulkamania,the rock ir t.t.
Mcmahonas tai turetu suprasti,bandyti tokius zmones sugrazinti arba ieskoti nauju veidu,nes toki kaip cena jau visiem per kita gala lenda

Message edited by bingolt - Šeštadienis, 2008-10-25, 16:56
KyoSniperDate: Penktadienis, 2008-11-14, 10:06 | Message # 49
WW Superstar
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 333
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Status: Neprisijungęs
hardžiai man nepatinka o ypač matt nes jis Leg Drop bijo daryt tai...Na man atrodo ,kad WWE vis dėl to dar turi talentu... Tiesiog dabar WWE nesistengia nes jiems plaukia Money konkurentu nėr...Tai kam stengtis...Nuširdžiai tikiuosi ,kad TNA pasivys WWE, ir kad tas kanalas kuris trancliuoja wwe(nebeatsimenu pavadinimo) toliau bus nepatenkintas Raw reitingais ir jie susuks ka nors idomaus...

Added (2008-11-14, 10:06)
Sveiki sveikutėliai ;) Naujienos 2008-11-13/14
Gali buti kad Christian Cage gryš i WWE kadangi jam reikia pingų kad išlaikytų šeima.
Shawn Michaels kalba ,kad butu malonu jeigu per Wrestlemania 25 užbaigtu Undertaker Streaka...Taip pat jis šneka apie savo greita pasitraukima.
Paskelbti matčai WWE Smackdown:
- Non-Title Match: Matt Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin
- Carlito vs. THE Brian Kendrick
- MVP vs. Kung Fu Naki
- WWE Diva's Title Match: Michelle McCool © vs. Maria
- Extreme Rules Match: The Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy
Gruodžio 15 Raw galimas toks matčas: Chris Jericho vs John Cena vs Batista
Paskelbtas dar vienas Survior Series Traditional matčas. Team Batista: Batista, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy & R-Truth Vs Team Orton: Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Shelton Benjamin, William Regal, & Mark Henry.

Message edited by KyoSniper - Penktadienis, 2008-11-14, 10:06
2extremeDate: Sekmadienis, 2008-11-16, 18:34 | Message # 50
Group: User'is
Messages: 112
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Status: Neprisijungęs
Na kiek žinau Christian dar turi trijų metų kontraktą su TNA ir jeigu jis pereitu į WWE jis taptų midcard'eriu kuriuo buvo anksčiau. Kovotų tik dėl visokių IC,US titulų...

I came here to Save Us...
The Best There Was...The Best There is...The Best There Ever Will Be...
BatistaDate: Ketvirtadienis, 2008-11-20, 16:58 | Message # 51
WW Hall of Fame
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Pritariu tna jis yra vienas pagrindiniu wrestleriu ir butu gaila kad jis iseetu is tna

KyoSniperDate: Ketvirtadienis, 2008-11-20, 17:57 | Message # 52
WW Superstar
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 333
Reputation: 16
Status: Neprisijungęs
Wrestlingo Naujienos 2008-11-20

Paskutinio ECW Reitingas 1.2
Sklinda gandai ,kad WWE Susidomėjusi AJ Styles ir kai jo kontraktas baigsis norėtu jį isigyti.
The Bogeyman gryšti turėtu kitos savaitės ECW.
Išleistas Kurt Angle The Champion DVD štai jo matčai:
*Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe - Genesis 2006
*Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe - Turning Point 2006
*Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe - 30 Minute Iron Man Match- Final Resolution 2007
*Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles vs. Christian Cage vs. Chris Harris vs. Samoa Joe - TNA Title King of the Mountain - Slammiversary 2007
*Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe - Winner Take All Match- Hard Justice 2007
*Kurt Angle vs. Jay Lethal - X-Division Title Match- No Surrender 2007
*Kurt Angle vs. Sting - TNA Title Match...Bound For Glory 2007
*Kurt Angle vs. Sting - TNA Title Match...Impact 10/28/07
*Kurt Angle vs. Yuji Nagata - IWGP Title Match- Global Impact
*Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe -TNA Title Match- Lockdown 2008
WWE Išleido nauja DVD Playeri.

ViliusDate: Ketvirtadienis, 2008-11-20, 23:06 | Message # 53
WW Alumni
Group: User'is
Messages: 556
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Status: Neprisijungęs
Jei wwe issigys AJ Styles tai butu puiku bet tna nepasisektu smile

KyoSniperDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-11-22, 09:55 | Message # 54
WW Superstar
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 333
Reputation: 16
Status: Neprisijungęs
Wrestlingo Naujienos 2008-11-21/22

Dustin Runnels gryšta į WWE jis turbut vėl užims ta komedini gimicka...
TOP 10 Sporto dvd:
1. WWE: Hell in A Cell
2. WWE: No Mercy 2008
3. 2001 FedEx Orange Bowl National Championship
4. NFL History of the Cleveland B
5. NFL Pittsburgh Steelers 5 Greatest Games
6. Beijing 2008 Olpics Opening Ceremony
7. NHL Sidney Crosby: On The Ice And Beyond
8. NFL Washinton Redskins: Super Bowl Champions
9. WWE: The Rock: Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment
10. Pride Fighting Championships: Total Elimination 2006
Umaga galės wrestlinti ECW ir Smackdown house-show per Gruodžio 29
Turut bus atleistas Deuce.
TNA IMPACT Rezultatai:
Consequences Creed and Jay Lethal BEAT Tanahashi and Sonjay Dutt
Angelina Love and Velvet Sky BEAT Sojourner Bolt and Christy Hemme
Samoa Joe and A.J Styles BEAT The Motor City Machine Guns
Booker T BEAT Eric Young for the TNA Legends Title
Kevin Nash and Kurt Angle BEAT Matt Morgan and Abyss
WWE jau planuoja planus Christian Cage (tikėkimės jis gaus bent šiek tiek pusho...)Tačiau visdar lieka tikimybė ,kad jis liks TNA.

2extremeDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-11-22, 13:49 | Message # 55
Group: User'is
Messages: 112
Reputation: 6
Status: Neprisijungęs
AJ Styles ten nebūtų gerai, neduotų jam nei Styles Clash padaryt ten

I came here to Save Us...
The Best There Was...The Best There is...The Best There Ever Will Be...

Message edited by 2extreme - Šeštadienis, 2008-11-22, 13:50
nZnDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-11-29, 23:43 | Message # 56
Group: Checked
Messages: 86
Reputation: 4
Status: Neprisijungęs
Wrestlingo Naujienos 2008-11-29

1. Suprantant tai, kad Cena kovos pries Jericho per Armageddon PPV del WHC Championshipo, Cena pradedant kita savaite kovos daug daugiau su Ortonu negu su Jericho taipogi skelbiama jog Orton isimaisys i Y2J ir Cenos fueda. Jericho dar manomas pagrindinis Cenos oponentas, bet bookeriu nuomone gali keistis jeu greitai.
2. Shane Helms pasidare didziule tatuiruote ant savo nugaros ant kurios didelem raidem parasyta jo pavarde.
3. Umaga buvo sios savaites show po traumos kuria patyre kovodamas pries Jeff Hardy, bet jo dar nenaudojo. Ji i ringa paleist ruosiasi kitos savaites show ir jam ruosiamas fuedas su Undartaker.
4. Kitos savaites iMPACT! show ruosiama paleist Sarah Palin.
5. Japonu legendinis heelas Masahiro Chono sake, kad noretu, kad Kevin Nash butu jo team per Tokyo Dome show. Taip pat jis sake, kad noretu buti TNA Main Event Mafia narys.
6. In Your Head kompanija paeme interviu is Kenny Dykstra. Siame interviu jis pasakoja apie Spirit Squad, dirbima su DX komanda ir t.t. Stai interviu :

About the Spirit Squad
He says that when he first heard about the gimmick from Vince, he thought it was a rib (a joke played on wrestlers), but after a while he started to like the idea. He said he wanted to turn the Spirit Squad into babyfaces in time, but that idea was shoved off the table, because DX was active at that point, and they didn't want too much face teams. Which brings me to the second point.

About working with DX
He has nothing good to say about working with DX. All the guys were excited to be able to work with HBK, HHH and Flair at such a young age. They would fight over who would be allowed to take the Sweet Chin Music that night.

About being sued by a fan
Kenny was standing at a red light, when a fan asked him to sign a poster. However, it was a DX poster, his feud partners at that time, and he didn't feel like signing that, so he threw the poster out of the window, and took off. He was later informed by the office that the fan sued him and claimed Kenny punched him in the face (which wasn't true). It was eventually thrown out of court, but the funny thing might be that outside of the court house, that same fan came up to Kenny again and asked him to sign a DVD.

About applying to WWE when he was 13
Kenny said that as a 13 year old boy he walked into the WWE headquarters and asked for a job application. They told him that was not how things worked and he then signed in to Killer Kowalski's wrestling school to train and become a wrestler.

About getting fired
Kenny says he was surprised he got fired by WWE, but he knew what was going on when they called him on a Monday morning.

About his future
He's still not sure about his future. He could go to TNA, or perhaps join a Japanese federation. He however makes it clear that he would love to wrestle against legends Sting and Angle, and fight in the six sided ring.

And to finish: a rib story
Kenny talked about a rib the Spirit Squad pulled on the Big Show. They put a sandwich in the middle of the ring, attached to a lasso, before the match started. When Show tried to grab the sandwich, they would pull the lasso, but the plan failed big time. Show ended up chasing them around the ring and beat them up throughout the entire match.

7. yra sukurtas balsavimas kas turetu valdyti RAW, Shane McMahon ar Stephanie McMahon.
8. Rey Mysterio kita pavasari kontrkatas baigesi su WWE. Dabar jam WWE siulo paisrasyt kontrakta 5 metam, bet Rey nori pasirasyt kontrakta 3 metam. Taip dar ir nenuspresta keliem metasm jis pasirasys kontrakta.

Message edited by nZn - Sekmadienis, 2008-11-30, 00:57
trofejusDate: Ketvirtadienis, 2009-03-12, 23:33 | Message # 57
WW Superstar
Group: User'is
Messages: 272
Reputation: 4
Status: Neprisijungęs
O is kur viska suzinot ?

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