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Wrestlerių Biografijos
2extremeDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-11-08, 15:21 | Message # 1
Group: User'is
Messages: 112
Reputation: 6
Status: Neprisijungęs
Čia bus dedamos visos wrestlerių biografijos:

Mark Calaway

Mark Calaway Mark William Calaway (g. 1965 m. kovo 24 d.) yra profesionalus JAV imtynininkas, geriau žinomas ringo vardu The Undertaker (kiti slapyvardžiai: Kane The Undertaker, The Punisher, "Mean" Mark Callous, Texas Red, The Commando, Punisher Dice Morgan, Master of Pain).


Calaway pradėjo imtynininko karjerą 1984 m. 1989 m. jis prisijungė prie WCW (angl. World Championship Wrestling) federacijos. Kai 1990 m. pabaigoje WCW neatnaujino su Calaway kontrakto, lapkričio mėnesį jis prisijungė prie tuometinės WWF (angl. World Wrestling Federation), kuri 2002 m. persivadino į WWE (angl. World Wrestling Entertainment).

The Undertaker 6 kartus tapo pasaulio čempionu, 4 kartus WWE čempionu, 2 kartus pasaulio sunkiasvorių čempionu. Taip pat The Undertaker kol kas nenugalimas Wrestlemania turnyre (16 pergalių - 0 pralaimėjimų).

I came here to Save Us...
The Best There Was...The Best There is...The Best There Ever Will Be...
bingoltDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-11-08, 15:52 | Message # 2
WW Alumni
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 503
Reputation: 15
Status: Neprisijungęs



1.83 m


87 kg


Hardy Boyz


"Stand back, there's a hurricane coming through!"
"Whazzup wid dat?"


Liepos 12, 1974 metais


Smithfield, North Carolina


Gregory Shane Helms


The Suicide Bomb;
The Show;
The Serial Thriller;
IBM: Insane Bump Machine;
Kid Vicious;
The Nice Package;
Shane Helms;


Eye of the Hurricane (aka Nightmare on Helms Street);
The Shining Wizard Kick;
Hurrikick (aka Sugarsmack);
Flying Clothesline;
Flying Crossbody;
Inverted Unprettier.


SWA Lightweight Champion;
CCW Lightweight Champion;
CCWA Lightweight Champion (2);
SEWA Lightweight Champion;
NAPW Lightweight Champion;
NDW Tag-Team Champion;
OMEGA Tag-Team Champion (2);
SCW Tag-Team Champion;
WWO Lightweight Champion;
SCW Heavyweight Champion;
WCW World Hardcore Champion;
NWA Wildside Tag-Team Champion;
WCW World Cruiserweight Champion;
TCW Tag-Team Champion;
WWF European Champion;
WWF Hardcore Champion;
WWF Cruiserweight Champion (2);
WWE World Tag-Team Champion;
WWE Cruiserweight Champion.


WCW karjera Helmsas pradejo istodamas i heel'iska stable "3 Count" su Evan'u Karagias'u ir Shannon Moore. Ju trio buvo vienos muzikines (to metu) grupes parodija - tas gimikas versdavo jos filmotis "video klipose" ir daryti muzikinius sou ringe pries kovas - ju oponentai stengesi atakoti jos kol tie neprades dainoti (kad neklausitis to slamsto =) Veliau Helmsas isejo is grupes ir tapo cruserweight championu, kaip tik pries Vincui McMahonui nusipirkus WCW.
*Hurricane personazas
Helmso superherojo gimikas yra pagristas "Green Lantern" knyga; jis net padare savo herojo totuerote (zenkla) desiniajame savo bicepse. Pradzioje Hurricane'as buvo pateiktas kaip heel'as kuris mano turis ipatingu nezemisku galiu - jis bande daryti chokeslamus sunkiasvoriams, bet jis buvo per mazas kad net pakelti kita wrestleri ir tas bandimas virto komisku siuzetu. Einant laikui jo personazas pradejo gauti ziurovu paramos ir Helmsas tapo face'u - tapes face'u jam net keleta kartu (aisq su pacios "aukos" pagalba) pavyko padaryti chokeslama, po ko jis pats stebinosi savo jega =))
*Hurricane'o padejejai
- Kai Hurricane'as dar buvo heel'u jis "pagrobe" Spike Dudlio mergina - Molly Holly. Kai Helmsas pavirto face'u Molly Holly tapo jo padejeja vardu "Mighty Molly" - jo pirma "sidekick". Ju dueta subiro per WrestleMania 18, kai Molly isdave Hurricane'a ir laimejo jo Hardcore titula.
- 2003 metais pastebejo Rosey'o potenciala ir sutiko ji mokyti "superherojaus amato" - jis dave jam laikina varda: Rosey "Super Hero In Training" (trumpai - S.H.I.T. =)) Liepos 19 diena 2004 metais RAW eteryje Rosey pasirode superherojaus kostiume - tai reiske kad dabar Rosey "pilnavertis" superherojus.
- Per geguzio 16 dienos 2005 metu RAW eteryje i ju tag-tema istojo gan seksuali nere - Stacy Keibler. Tokiu budu Stacy padekojo superherojams uz tai kad jie isgelbejo ja nuo "piktadariu" Simon Dean'o ir Maven'o. Nzn tiksliai kaip ji pasivadino, bet itariu kad kazkaip panasiai i "Catwoman". Rrrrrrrr... =p~
Deretu pamineti kad Rosey ir Hurricane'as yra dabartiniai World Tag-Team championai - jie laimejo dirzus 'Tag-Team Trumoil' matche geguzes 1 diena per Backlash'05 PPV.



2.03 m


137 kg


Balandzio 11, 1953 metais


Augusta, Georgia


Terrence Gene Bollea


Sterling Golden;
Terry "The Hulk" Boulder;
Hollywood Hogan;
Mr. America;
The Hulkster.


"What'cha gonna do?"
"Train, say your prayers, and take your vitamins"


1977 metais


Running Atomic Leg-Drop (The Big Leg);
Big Boot;
Ax Bomber (Crooked Arm Lariat).


- NWA South Eastern Heavyweight Title
NUGALEJO: Sterling Golden (Grodzio 1979)
PRALAIMEJO: Bob Armstrong (Sausio 1980)

- AWA World Heavyweight Title
NUGALEJO: Nick Bockwinkel (Kovo 1982)
PRALAIMEJO: Nick Bockwinkel (Kovo 1982)

- World Wrestling Federation World Title (1)
NUGALEJO: Iron Sheik (Sausio 23, 1984)
PRALAIMEJO: André the Giant (Vasario 5, 1988)

- World Wrestling Federation World Title (2)
NUGALEJO: Randy Savage (Balandzio 2, 1989 WrestleMania V)
PRLAIMEJO: Ultimate Warrior (Balandzio 1, 1990 WrestleMania VI)

- World Wrestling Federation World Title (3)
NUGALEJO: Sgt. Slaughter (Kovo 24, 1991 WrestleMania VII)
PRALAIMEJO: Undertaker (Lapkricio 27, 1991 Survivor Series'91)

- World Wrestling Federation World Title (4)
NUGALEJO: Undertaker (Grodzio 3, 1991)
PRALAIMEJO: Titulas skelbiamas laisvu

- World Wrestling Federation World Title (5)
NUGALEJO: Yokozuna (Balandzio 4, 1993 WrestleMania IX)
PRALAIMEJO: Yokozuna (Birzelio 13, 1993 King of the Ring'93)

- World Championship Wrestling World Title (1)
NUGALEJO: Ric Flair (Liepos 17, 1994)
PRALAIMEJO: The Giant (Spalio 29, 1995)

- World Championship Wrestling World Title (2)
NUGALEJO: The Giant (Rugpjutis 10, 1996)
PRALAIMEJO: Lex Luger (Rugpjuti 4, 1997)

- World Championship Wrestling World Title (3)
NUGALEJO: Lex Luger (Rugpjuti 9, 1997)
PRALAIMEJO: Sting (Grodzio 28, 1997)

- World Championship Wrestling World Title (4)
NUGALEJO: Randy Savage (Balandis 20, 1998)
PRALAIMEJO: Bill Goldberg (Liepos 6, 1998)

- World Championship Wrestling World Title (5)
NUGALEJO: Kevin Nash (Sausio 4, 1999)
PRALAIMEJO: Ric Flair (Kovo 14, 1999)

- World Championship Wrestling World Title (6)
NUGALEJO: Randy Savage (Liepos 12, 1999)
PRALAIMEJO: Sting (Rugsejo 12, 1999)

- Hulk Hogan Memorial Title
NUGALEJO: Jeff Jarrett (Liepos 10, 2000)

- World Wrestling Entertainment World Title (6)
NUGALEJO: Jeff Jarrett (Balandzio 21, 2002 Backlash'02)
PRALAIMEJO: Undertaker (Geguzio 20, 2002 Judgement Day'02)

- World Wrestling Entertainment Tag Team Title (su Edge)
NUGALEJO: Billy & Chuck (Balandzio 21, 2002)
PRALAIMEJO: Lance Storm & Christian (Liepos 21, 2002 Vengeance 2002)


Terrence'as Gene Bollea, geriau zinomas Hulk Hogan'o ir Hollywood Hogano vardais, yra amerikos pro-wrestleris ir aktorius. Savo laikais (ir dabar) Terry Bollea tapo paciu populiariausiu atletu per visa sio biznio istorija. Per savo karjera jis vaidino keliose filmose ir dabar yra uzsiemes savo dukters, Brooke Hogan, muzikine karjera. Siandien Hoganas yra laikomas 15 kartu Heavyweight Championu (nes tiktais pernai jo AWA titulas buvo pripazintas oficialiu).
Bollea pradejo savo wrestlingo karjera 1978 metais, naudodamasis Sterling Golden, Super Destroyer ir Terry Boulder vardais. 1980 metais jis istojo i World-Wide Wrestling Federation, kur Vince McMhon Sr. suteike jam Hulk Hogano varda - Vincas vyresnisis tais laikais turejo didziausia WWWF akciju paketa. Oficialus tokio vardo paaikinimas buvo toks: daugelis zmoniu mane jog Terry didesnis/stambesnis uz Lou Ferrigno, kuris to metu filmavosi "The Incredible Hulk" seriale - taip. del savo gabaritu, jis tapo Hulk'u. O "Hogan'u" jis buvo pavadintas del to kad McMahonas norejo kad Terry butu airis. Bollea pradejo savo karjera heel'u ir buvo pasiulitas Thunderlips'o vaidmeni naujame "Rocky III" filme. Hoganas norejo tokiu budu pradeti savo hollywoodo karjera - bet Vincas Sr. priesinosi tam ir viskas baigesi Terrio atleidimu.
Po sekmingos vaidmens Rocky III filme, Hognas tapo izimybe, ir istojo i AWA Minesotoje 1981 metais, iskart po filmo. Hoganas tapo populiarus AWA wrestleris ir 1983 metais buvo vel priimtas i WWF Vincu McMahonu jaunesnisis. Vincas norejo padidinti WWF, kad kompanija taptu ne vietinio, o nacionalinio masto - tam tikslui jis panaudojo Hogano varda ir jo charizma. Hoganas tapo populiariausiu 80-uju wrestleriu, palaikomas savo "hulkamaniacais". Jis vaidino bebaimi, teisinga vyruka kuris skatino vaikus sakyti savo maldas ir gerti vitaminus.
Jis naudojosi savo populiarumu kad gauti vaidmenis ir sou kvetimus. Jis vaidino filmose; "No Holds Barred (1989)", "Suburban Commando (1991)", "Mr. Nanny (1993)", "Santa with Muscles (1996)", "3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain (1998)". Jis padare kelius pasirodymus per "The A-Team" (1985-1986) ir vaidino nuosavame seriale "Thunder in Paradise" 1994 metais.
Jis trumpam pasitrauke is wrestlingo 1993 metais. Ir 1994 metais buvo suviliotas Ted Turneriu i WCW, kuri buvo pagrindiniu WWF varzovu rinke. Po keliu metu ten jis tapo heel'u. Jis nudaze savo barzda juodais dazais ir, kartu su Scott Hall'u ir Kevin Nashu (The Outsiders) sukure viena populiarisiu pasaulio grupociu - nWo (New World Order). Hulksteris tapo "Hollywood" Hoganu.
Hoganas pakeite poziuri i heela. Jis tapo ne paprastu blogeciu, o ziauriu akiplesiu tarnaujanciu tik sau - realistiskesniu piktadariu. Vieni sako kad Hoganas sugebejo padaryti neimanoma - tapti vienu geriausiu geriausiu wrestlingo face'u ir tuo paciu metu vienu ziauriausiu heel'u.
Hollywoodas laike WCW Pasaulio sunkiasvorio dirza beveik istisus 1997 metus. Jis pralaimejo ji Stingui per StarrCade PPV grodzio menesi - viename skambiausiu matchu pro-wrestlingo istorijoje. Po keliu metu Hoganas paliko nWo ir grizo i face'u gretas.
Po to kai WCW buvo panaikinta, Hoganas pasirode WWE kompanijoje - jis (padedant Vince McMahono) atkure nWo su Scott Hall'u ir Kevin Nash'u. Greit po atvikimo jis susikove labai ispudingame matche pries The Rock per Wrestlemania X8. Tai buvo vienintele Hogano Wrestlemanija kur jis kovesi heel'o vaidmenije - susikure tokia situacija kad zmones skandavo ir sirgo us heel'a Hogana - tai tarsi dare ispudi jog jis face'as, o nepalaike The Rocko - kuris tarsi tapo heel'u zmoniu akyse. Po sio matcho Hoganas pratese Rockui ranka - rodydamas pagarbos zenkla - tai supikdino Nasha ir Hall'a kuie isejo ir sumuse Hogana. Rockas grizo i ringa ir padejo Hulkui atmusti antpoli - Hoganas oficialiai tapo face'u. Po Wrestlemanijos Hulksteris grizo i raudos ir geltonos spalvu pasauli - Hulkamania kuriam laikui atgime. Pries paliekant WWE Hoganas dar viena karteli tapo WWE championu 2003 metais.
Daugelis ekspertu kritikoja Hogano uz jo "politinia" itaka uzkulisiose - jis naudojosi savo pazintimis, statusu ir "creative control'u" tam kad uzimti daug eterio laiko - jo EGO nedodavo kitiems zvaigzdems pilnaverciai parodyti savo sugebejimus. Hulkui teko kautis su ivairiausiais wrestleriais, pradedant jaunais naujokais ir baigiant pasaulinio mastu legendomis. Siaip ar taip Hoganas tapo legenda ne tik wrestlinge bet ir apskritai visoje Amerikoje.
Balandzio 2 diena 205 metais, nakti pries Wrestlemanija 21, Hoganas buvo itrauktas i 2005 metu "Hall of Fame" karu su Paul Orndorffu, Bob Ortonu, Jimmy Hartu, Nikolaju Volkovu, Iron Sheik'u ir Roddy Piperiu. Tam kad itraukti Hogana i legendu gretas buvo pakvestas Sylvesteris Stallone (su kurio Hoganas filmavosi Rocky II filme). Hoganas padare pasirodyma per WrestleManija 21 - jis isejo isgelbiti suzalota Eugena, nuo dveju heel'u arabu wrestleriu: Khosrow Daivario ir Muhammad Hassan'o.
Hulkamanija visdar giva - per Balandzio 18 dienos 2005 metu RAW eteri, Hoganas isejo isgelbeti HBK no Daivario ir Hassano. Viena savaite pries tai, Shawn Michaelsas isejo ir paprase Hogano prisideti prie jo tag-teame pries arabus per Backlash'05. Per PPV jie aisq nugalejo arabus.
*Mr. America
Mr. America buvo Hogana "slaptas" personazas. Mr. America buvo "slaptai" apsirenges Hulk Hoganas - nesiojantis kauke. Jis naudojosi Hogano "Real Americas" muzika. Paprasciausiai to metu viko Hogano ir Vinco McMahono feudas, kuriame Mr. America buvo papildomas personazas. Siuzetas buvo toks: Hulk Hoganas laimejo matcha WrestleManijoje XIX - tai labai suerzino Vinca, kuris isake Hoganui nepasirodyti eteryje iki tol kol nesibaigs jo kontraktas - McMahonas tarsi norejo kad Hulkamanija mirtu. Bet tai buvo tik siuzeta, istikruju Hoganas ir Vincas tikrame gyvenime labai geri draugai.
Geguzes 1, 2003 metais Mr. America debutavo per SmackDown! Piper'io Pit pasirodyme, kur pasirode Vincas ir teige jog Mr. America yra uzsimaskave Hulk Hoganas - bet Mr. America su to nesutiko sakydamas: "I am not Hulk Hogan, brother"
Feudas tesesi visa balandzio menesi, per kuri ivyko tik vienas matchas Judgement Day PPV eteryje - su Hogano senu varzovu Roddy Piperiu. Zach'as Gowenas buvo irgi dalyvavo siame feude - Mr. America puseje.
Vincas visokiais budais bande irodyti kad Mr. America buvo Hoganas - bet kiekviena karta jam nepasiseke - Hoganas net praejo "Lie Detector" testa.
Paskutinis Mr. America pasirodymas WWe buvo birzelio 26 diena 2003 metais per SmackDown! eteri, kur Big Show, Shelton Benjaminas ir Charlie Haas nugalejo Mr. America, Brock Lesnari ir Kurt Angela - "six-man tag team match". Show pabaigoje America nusieme kauke ir parode ziurovams kad jis istikruju yra Hulk Hoganas. Kita savaite Hoganas paliko WWE del konfliktu kylusiu su kuriamaja grupe (bukeriais...).

Hulkas Hoganas debiutavo Japonijoje 1980 metais NJPW lygoje (kuriai praktiskai Japonijoje ir liko istikimas). Pradejo jis kaip Stan Hansen (geriausias u˛sienietis pro-wrestleris Japonijoje po Terry Funk ir iki Vaderio) partneris. Taigi jie kaip heelai wrestlino kartu labai daug matcu NJPW lygoje (kuriu dauguma oficialiai nera nufilmuoti). ˇymesni pasiekimai tuo laikotarpiu MSG Tag League finalas pasiektas, prasta kova su Andre the Giant. 1983 metais NJPW lygoje Hulkas Hoganas laimejo IWGP League finala (per klaida, Inokiui nugriuvus u˛ ringo ribu ir praradus samone, beje jis po to 3 d. gulejo ligonineje). Taigi Hoganas cia tapo visai garsus - ˛mogus, kuris nugalejo Inoki. 1984 metais ˛inoma revan�ineje kovoje Inoki laimejo pries Hogana. Per visus siuos metus Japonijoje Hoganas demonstravo prasta wrestlinga puroresu prasme, taciau velniskai gera wrestlinga WWF/WWE stiliaus prasme - dare skausmingus veiksmus, nesipurte kaip debilas, krisdavo ant galvos, pats dare puikius metimus ir pan. , nors tai ˛inoma budavo atliekama be jokio psichologijos suvokimo grynai mechaniskai.
Hogano sugri˛imas i Japonija NJPW/AJPW/WWF "JAPAN-U.S. WRESTLING SUMMIT" evente buvo puikus - jis suwrestlino geriausia savo karjeros matca su Stanu Hansenu.
Nereikia u˛mir�ti ir WWF tarplyginiu kovu su Tenryu lyga SWS 1991 metais:
Road Warriors vs Hulk Hogan & Genichiro Tenryu
Hulk Hogan vs Yoshiaki Yatsu
Hulk Hogan vs Genichiro Tenryu ***
1993 metais Hoganas isvyko i turne i NJPW lyga. Ten suwrestlino kelis vidutiniskus matcus.
1998 metais Hoganas velgi buvo atvykes i Japonija, taciau newrestlino ne vieno mato, tai buvo daugiau NWO Japan populiarumo lygio kelimas.
2003 ismestas is WWE Hulkas Hoganas nuvyko dar karta i Japonija NJPW lyga ir ten semi-mainevente suwrestlino su Masahiro Chono 1 matca, po to Japonijoje buvo pradetas angle su Jeffu Jarettu ir TNA (Hogana Jarettas atakavo su savo gitara) taciau Hogano godumas neleido nieko rimciau isvystyti


Message edited by bingolt - Šeštadienis, 2008-11-08, 15:58
2extremeDate: Sekmadienis, 2008-11-09, 12:18 | Message # 3
Group: User'is
Messages: 112
Reputation: 6
Status: Neprisijungęs

Jeff Hardy, pilnas vardas Jeffrey Nero Hardy (g. 1977 m. rugpjūčio 31 d. Šiaurės Karolinoje, JAV) – JAV World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) imtynių kovotojas.

Būdamas devynerių metų neteko mamos. Šešiolikos metų debiutavo WWE, o 1993 m. buvo priimtas. atleka tokius triukus kuriu atlikti nekas negali.Turiejo romana su Lita wwe diwa.

Turi brolį Matt Hardy, kuris taip pat yra profesionalus WWE imtynininkas, abu turi savo šou, pavadintą The Hardy show - Greatest show not on TV, kuriame tai pat dalyvauja ir kitas WWE imtynininkas bei geras jų draugas – Shannon Moore.

Kartu su broliu Matt`u įkūrė organizaciją „OMEGA“ - Organization of Modern Extreme Grappling Arts. Su broliu Matt`u yra komandoje The Hardy Boyz, su kuria šešis kartus tapo pasaulio komandiniais čempionais ir vieną kartą WCW komandiniais čempionais. Taip pat yra keturis kartus tarpžemyninis (Intercontinental) čempionas, buvo Europos Hardcore ir lengvasvorių čempionas.

Domisi motokrosu, muzika bei įvairiais kitokiais atistiškais bei meniniais dalykais, yra grupės Peroxwhy?gen narys.

Šiuo metu Jeff Hardy yra vienas iš žinomiausių WWE kovotojų, varžybose pagarsėjęs tik jam būdingais judesiais, kurie angliškai vadinasi Swantom bomb, Twist of Fate, Whisper in the Wind.

Varžybose taip pat buvo žinomas pseudonimais Charismatic Enigma, Conquistador #1, Iceman, Ingus Jynx, Willow of the Whisp, Wolverine.


„World Wrestling Entertainment“
6 kartus WWE World Tag Team čempionas (su Matt Hardy)
4 kartus WWE tarpžemyninis čempionas
3 kartus WWF Hardcore čempionas
1 kartą WCW World Tag Team čempionas (su Matt Hardy)
1 kartą WWE Europos čempionas
1 kartą WWF lengvasvorių čempionas

I came here to Save Us...
The Best There Was...The Best There is...The Best There Ever Will Be...

Message edited by 2extreme - Sekmadienis, 2008-11-09, 12:19
DeXiuXaSDate: Antradienis, 2008-11-11, 21:23 | Message # 4
WW Superstar
Group: User'is
Messages: 271
Reputation: 7
Status: Neprisijungęs
Na aciu uz info...Pats dar idesiu =]

bingoltDate: Penktadienis, 2008-11-14, 21:45 | Message # 5
WW Alumni
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 503
Reputation: 15
Status: Neprisijungęs



1.98 m


125 kg


Geguzio 2, 1972 metais


Davie, Florida


Dwayne Douglas Johnson


Flex Kavana;
Rocky Maivia.


1995 metais


The People's Elbow;
Rock Bottom;


USWA World Tag-Team Champion (2);
WWE Intercontinental Champion (2);
WWE Champion (7);
World Tag Team Champion (5);
WCW World Heavyweight Champion (2).


Jhonsonas gime Haywarde, Californijoje, nors augo Bethleheme, Pensilvanijoje. Jo senelis buvo "High Chief" Peteris Maivia - buvusi WWE zvaigzde, o jo tevas buvo WWF tag-team championu.
Mokydamasis Benthleheme, Pensilvanijoje, Johnsonas pradejo zaisti footbola Bethlehemo "Laisves" mokykloje. Budamas "Lehigh Valley's East Penn League" komandos nariu, jis varzesi su paciais stipriausiais valstybes komandomis.
Johnsonas (del savo footbolo pasekimu) gavo keleta stependiniu pasiulimu is gero skaiciaus pristiziniu universitetu. Jis pasirinko Miam'io universiteta. Tapo "Canes 1990 NCAA National Championship" komandos naris. Viskas butu puiku, bet nugaros trauma baige jo dar neprasideta NFL karjera. Johnsonas pasirase su "Canadian Football League" bet del jo nugaros traumos buvo priverstas pasitraukti - jis pradejo sekti wrestlingo karjeros.
Johnsonas tapo wrestleriu kaip ir kiti jo seimos nariai: tevas, senelis, dedes Afa ir Sika Anoai (Wild Samoans), pusbroliai Rodney Anoai (zinomas kaip buves WWF championas Yakozuna) ir Solofa Fatu (zinomas kaip Rikishi - buves WWF tag-team championas). Kai Johnsonas pareiske savo tevui kad nori tapti wrestleriu - tevas nebuvo patnkintas, bet visgi sutiko mokyti savo sunu, perspedamas ji kad mokis greztai. Turedami draugu WWE kompanijoje, tokius kaip Pat Pattersonas - Johnsonui buvo suteikta galimybe parodyti ko jis yra vertas. Nustebe pamate jo talenta ir charizma, su Johnsonu buvo pasirasytas kontraktas, nors pries tai jis padare greita "ekskursija" po Jerry Lowler'io USWA (kur jis wrestlino Flex Kavanos ir Pidlaoan Rock'o vardais).
Johnsonas pirmame savo WWF matche pasirode Rocky Maivia vardu (jo tevo ir senelio ringo vardu kombinacija). WWF akivaizdzei pasake publikai kad jis yra pirmas trecios kartos wrestleris dirbantis WWF kompanijoje - taip jie pradejo jo pusha. Johnsonas pradzioje buvo pavaizdotas kaip grinu griniausias face'as, ir greit tapo populiariu., laimedamas pristizini Intercontinental Championo dirza (dirbes kompanijoje tik 3 menesius!). Bet wrestlingas pasikeite nuo Hulk Hogano laiku - publikai igriso matyti visalaika grazuti face'a, nes jis ziurvams paprasciausiai tapo nuobodus. Neziurint i tai kad publika pradejo rekti "BOOOOO!!!", Johnsonas buvo priverstas iseiti i ringa sipsodamasis, tarsi jis visdar ju numyletinis face'as.
Johnson'ui buvo leista pavirsti heel'u ir jis istojoi "Nation of Domination", metidamas savo nuodus i fanus kurie ji isdave - tuo metu tai buvo tikra neapikanta fanams, o ne siuzetas. Grupoteje Rocky Maivia pavirto "The Rock'u" - charizmatiniu blogiuku. Dabar, kai jam leista buti savimi (nes jis nekarta sake jog Rock'as tai paprasciausiai Dwayne Johnsonas su "padidintu garsu" - with "the volume turned up"), The Rock tapo neapsakomai populiarus - jis sukure keleta savo 'firminiu' fraziu, pvz.: "Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?", "Layeth the Smacketh down" ir "Know your role and shut your mouth!" The Rocko populiarumas pakele ji i WWF championshipa 1998 metais, kai jam buvo 26 metai. Tuo metu jis buvo jauniausiu WWF championu istorijoje. Veliau jis istojo i Vinco ir Shane Mcmahonu sukurata "Corporation", kur tapo lyderiu. Po kurio laiko turedamas pakankamai populiarumo, Johnsonas vel pavirto face'u - po to jis turedajo dar daug face/heel pasikeitimu, kaudamasis su ivairiausiais WWF zvaigzdemis.
Pakrauta The Rock ir kitu zvaigzdziu, tokiu kaip Stone Cold, Mankind populiarumais, WWF pajuto toki populiaruma kokio nemate nuop to laiko kai Hulkamania valde pasauliu 80-aisiais metais. Ipac Rocko sukurti interview ir siuzetai padare WWF populiariausia ir pagrindine kompanija biznyje (visam laikui istumdama WCW i antra vieta...deja...). Nuo 1998 iki 2002, Rockas turejo feudus prie WWF'o didziausias zvaigzdes, laimedamas WWF diraza per visokiausius renginius (PPV). Kol jis visdar wrestlino full-time, Johnsonas buvo vedejas populiariame "sketch comedy TV series Saturday Night Live" show. Serija buvo labai populiari ir parode teigiama Rock'o aktoriaus talento puse. Butent po to show Johnsonas pradejo gauti pasiulimus is Hollywood'o projektu. Rocko pirmas vaidmenis dideliame filmo projekte buvo The Scorpion King'o personazas filme "The Mummy Returns" - jo natural.i charizma puikei atsispindejo TV ekranose. Nuo to laiko jis dare tik specialius wrestlingo pasirodymus iki 2004 Wrestlemanjos XX, o po jos isvis glais isejo i filmavima.
Duodamas savo interview 2005 metais, Rockas pareiske kad jo kontraktas su WWE baigesi 2004 metais, bet pabreze tai kad pilnaverciai gali naudotis savo "The Rock" vardu nes turi visus leidimus, kurie buvo parasyti kontrakte su WWE.
Po Johnsono pirmo vaidmens "The Mummy Return" filme, jis patvirtino savo The Scorpion King varda 2002 metu filme apie jo personaza (kuris, jei dar nespejote, taip ir vadinosi - "The Scorpion King", ir buvo nuobodziausias mano matytas filmas, tarsi barbaras Konanas grizo - boring...). Filmas buvo iskart iskritikotas kritikais, bet visgi surinko dideli pinigi skaiciu - $90 mln. Jo kitas vaidmenis buvo filme "The Rundown" (veiksmo komedija) - apie si filma kritikai kalejo jau geriau, o piniguciu, atvirksciai - maziau!
2004 The Rock filmavosi filme "Walking Tall", kur jis buvo geroju pavirtusiu sheriffu Chris'u Vaughn'u, kuris grizo i savo gimtaji miesta ir bando naikinti jo suklestejusia korupcija (pinigai, ginklai, narkotikai... t.t. - turbut geriausias jo vaidmuo). Tvarka jis daro naudodamas savo kumscius ir savo "two-by-four" lazdele.
Dabar galite pamatyti ji gejaus vaidmenyje filme "Be Cool" (kur jis vaidino su John'u Travolta ir Uma Thurman). Pernai jam pasiule dar keleta vaidmenu: Duke Nukem'o vaidmeni (veiksmo filme "Duke Nukem"); vaidmeni Doom filme, kuris bus filmotas pagal populiaruji zaidima; ir dar Rock'as filmosis viksmo fime kuris bus filmojamas pagal CartoonNetwork'o animacini seriala "Johny Bravo" (cia turbut bus geras =))
"Be Cool" filmavino aisksteleje, Rock'as buvo punk'd Ashtonu Kutcheriu - jie susprogdino jo mobiluji-namuka...
Ride Along (2006)
Southland Tales (2006)
Johnny Bravo (2005)
Spy Hunter (2005)
Doom (2005)
Be Cool (2005)
Walking Tall (2004)
The Rundown (2003)
The Scorpion King (2002)
The Mummy Returns (2001)
Longshot (2000)



* 1.82 m


* 107 kg


* Gruodzio 18, 1970 metais


* Battle Creek, Michigan


* The Original Sheik


* 1990 metais


* Rob Zakowski;
* Robbie V (WCW);
* "Mr. Monday Night" (ECW);
* "Mr. PPV" (ECW);
* "The Whole F'n Show" (ECW);
* "Mr. Money in the Bank" (WWE).


* Cartwheel Backflip Splash;
* Standing Moonsault;
* Top Rope Flying Kick;
* Spinning Heel Kick onto Barricade;
* Air Van Dam;
* Spinning Crescent Kick;
* Pescado;
* Corkscrew Legdrop;
* Corner Monkey Flip;
* Step Over Heel Kick;
* Rolling Thunder.


* Split-Legged Moonsault;
* Five Star Frog Splash;
* Van Daminator;
* Van Terminator.


* SAPW Tag-Team Champion w/ Chaz Rocco
* IWF Television Champion
* ASW North American Heavyweight Champion
* PSW Cordele City Champion
* NWC Tag-Team Champion w/ Bobby Bradley
* ECW Television Champion
* ECW World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Sabu
* WWE European Heavyweight Champion
* WWE Hardcore Champion(4)
* WWE Intercontinental Champion(6)
* WWE Raw World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Booker T, Kane
* WWE Smackdown World Tag-Team Champion w/ Rey Mysterio
* WWE Champion
* ECW World Champion


* Ankstyvasis Gyvenimas ir Karjera
Szatkowskis gime Battle Creeke , Michigane , jis lanke pogrindinius kovos menus. Jis igavo labai daug meistriskumo , is Karate , Tae Kwon Do , Kick Bokso. Velyvaisiais 80aisiais ji pradejo treniruoti , the original sheik , Robas gretai nusprende pasukti wrestlingo keliais.
* World Championship Wrestling
Szatkowsky prisjunge prie WCW 92 , pasikeites varda I Robby V , deja Robiui ten nesiseke tiesa jis turejo kelis ispudingus matchus , bet deja bookeriai jam buwo nepalankus , Szatkowsky nusprende , kad jam reike daugiau patirties ir isejo is WCW.
* World Wrestling Federation / Entertainment
97 kova Van Damas netiketai pasirode WWF , per Raw is war show , jis turejo puiku matcha su Jeff Hardy , Van Damas nugalejo Jeff`a su savo ispudinguoju split-legged moonsault. Deja Van Damas po puikaus starto buvo ”sudegintas” WWF , jis sudare komanda su Jarry Lawler , bet ju komanda nebuvo sekminga jie pralose Headbangers Tag team tournament`e Liepa , po kurio laiko Van Damas paliko WWF.
Kelios savaites po WrestleManios , vyko mainu loterija tarp RAW ir SmackDown! RVD buvo draftuotas I SmackDown! Van Dam & Mysterio VS Dudleyz sis matchas buvo parengtas per Judgement day’04 , matchas prasidejo tuom , kad RVD dauze Bubba , Bubba nukreipe teisejo demesi , D-von atakavo Rvd , jis greitai igijo pranasuma , RVD pasikeite su Mysterio , Mysterio kovojo gan ilgai poto ispaude Bubba I kampa ir padare moonsault , tada nusliauze prie RVD ir pasikeite su juo… greitai matchas tapo “laisvas” , Dudley dare 3D Mysterio , bet Van Damas jiems sutrukde , Mysterio padare dviguba 619 ant abieju dudliu , RVD atliko Five Star Frog Splash ir taip isplese pergale. 2005 pradzioje RVD padare trauma, jis negalejo wrestlinti apie metus. 2005 draftu metu Van Dam'as pateko i RAW. Gryzes RVD laimejo "Money in The Bank" ir dar karta Intercontinental titula. Per ECW ONS, RVD pasinaudojo savo MITB ir laimejo WWE titula is Johno Cena'os. Jis buvo apdovanotas Heymano ECW titulu. Taciau RVD buvo greit suspendintas del narkotiku vartojimo ir pralaimejo WWE ir ECW titulus. Gryzes jis feudino ECW'e su kitais ECW Originals pries New Breed. Greit jo kontraktas baigesi ir RVD paliko WWE.

Message edited by bingolt - Penktadienis, 2008-11-14, 21:46
BatistaDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-12-06, 16:54 | Message # 6
WW Hall of Fame
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 1136
Reputation: 16
Status: Neprisijungęs
Man ziaurei gaila kad rock jau palikes wrestlinga nera jau tokiu bajeristu koks cena bando vaizduot jy bet jis tik dar durniau atrodo

bingoltDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-12-06, 16:59 | Message # 7
WW Alumni
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 503
Reputation: 15
Status: Neprisijungęs
pritariu batista gaila kad jis isejo,nebera kas buciuotu people's ass biggrin
BatistaDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-12-06, 17:01 | Message # 8
WW Hall of Fame
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 1136
Reputation: 16
Status: Neprisijungęs
siuo metu is viso nera geru bajeriu suskelenciu zmoniu dar dx buvo nieko bet y gala jau pradejo jie nusisneket

bingoltDate: Pirmadienis, 2008-12-08, 18:21 | Message # 9
WW Alumni
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 503
Reputation: 15
Status: Neprisijungęs
dabar WWe labai nusmuko zemyn sad
DeXiuXaSDate: Trečiadienis, 2008-12-10, 11:34 | Message # 10
WW Superstar
Group: User'is
Messages: 271
Reputation: 7
Status: Neprisijungęs
Gal pamenat ta kova kur DX pries Snicky ir dar kazka kaip Triple H Rode kad jam reiketu issivalytu dantis...xD
tie laikai buwo geri
Suck it !!!!!!!!

KyoSniperDate: Trečiadienis, 2008-12-10, 14:31 | Message # 11
WW Superstar
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 333
Reputation: 16
Status: Neprisijungęs
Čia jau netaip seniai per One Night DX sugrižima. Bet dėl DX nesutinku jaigu bežiuri WWE. Taip per 800 Raw jie surengė super duber juokinga segmenta apie Morrison ir Miz. Na p pats Rock irgi prieš išėjima 2003 jau buvo išsisėmes ir tik firmines frazes benaudojo.

bingoltDate: Šeštadienis, 2008-12-13, 22:14 | Message # 12
WW Alumni
Group: Moderatorius
Messages: 503
Reputation: 15
Status: Neprisijungęs
Kyo tiesa tai tiesa,bet gal atsiras kokiu "naujuju The Rock" arba "DX",bet WWE mus domindavo net tik tuo,bet ir tokias idomiais matchais kuriuos daznai rengdaro Gregory Helms "The hurricane" ,pasiilgau jo kovu
trofejusDate: Sekmadienis, 2009-03-01, 22:36 | Message # 13
WW Superstar
Group: User'is
Messages: 272
Reputation: 4
Status: Neprisijungęs
Gal galit imest batistos biografija ...
DeXiuXaSDate: Antradienis, 2009-08-18, 18:48 | Message # 14
WW Superstar
Group: User'is
Messages: 271
Reputation: 7
Status: Neprisijungęs
Gimimo Data
9 November 1970, Manhasset, New York, USA

Tikras Vardas
Christopher Keith Irvine

The living legend, Larger than life
The King of the World
The King of Bling-Bling
The Man of 1,004 Holds
The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla
The Highlight of the Night
Vitamin C
Sexy Beast
C Man
First Ever Undisputed Champion
Mr. Canada
Moongoose McQueen (of Fozzy)
Lionheart (WCW)
Corazon de Leon (Mexico)
Lion Do (Japan)
Jeritron 6000

5' 10" (1.78 m)

Jessica Lockhart (30 July 2000 - present) 3 children

Trade Mark

Trademark move: Swinging Choke Drop

Usually shouts at his opponents or at crowd during matches

Trademark move: Break Down (Front Russian Leg Sweep)

Finishing move: The Lionsault

Trademark Move: Liontamer

Finishing move: The Walls of Jericho (Elevated Boston Crab)

Finishing move: Liontamer (Elevated Boston Crab with knee to back)

Finishing move: Lionsault (Springboard Moonsault)

Finishing move: Flashback (Spinning Sleeper Slam)

Finishing move: Breakdown (Full Nelson Facebuster)

Finishing move: Running Enzuigiri

Trademark move: Lionbomb (Double Underhook Powerbomb)

Trademark move: Jericho Spike (Frankensteiner)

Trademark move: Backhand Chop

Trademark move: Single-hand Bulldog

Trademark move: Double Underhook Backbreaker

Trademark move: Springboard Dropkick to an opponent on the ring apron

Trademark move: Double Powerbomb


Also known as Moongoose McQueen, he is the lead singer for the rock group "Fozzy".

Said two of his favorite people to wrestle are Chris Benoit and Triple H of WWE.

Won the WWE Heavyweight Title from Triple H on April 17, 2000, but was stripped of the title (and the match was stricken from the record) 15 minutes later.

Son of hockey player Ted Irvine.

Professional wrestler.

Was voted "Manitoba's Sexiest Man" in a poll in a Canadian newspaper "The Winnipeg Sun".

He wears lifts, so he's actually only about 5' 10", which is why he says (jokingly because it was struck from the record) that he is the shortest WWF champion of all time.

First started his musical career with fellow wrestler Lenny "Dr. Luther" Olson in a Calgary speed metal band

Trained by Stu Hart and the Hart family.

Although he wasn't born there, he was raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and was married there.

During the 2002 Rangers Superskate on Jan 19, 2002, Chris Jericho was attacked by his own father at Madison Square Garden because Chris & his father were competing on different teams.

Since his "Undisputed Championship" represents the combined WWE and WCW titles, he joins an elite group of wrestlers to hold both titles, joining such luminaries as Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Ric Flair, and Randy "Macho Man" Savage, Paul Wight (Giant/Big Show) Dwayne Johnson, Chris Benoit, Kevin Nash (Diesel) and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, although only Flair, Savage, Hogan, Wight and Hart held them when the two federations were separate. He is the first wrestler in history to hold the titles simultaneously, beating The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin in December 2001.

He and Lance Storm were two of only four of their original class of 18 to finish training at Stu Hart's Dungeon Wrestling School.

Took his stage name "Jericho" from his birth town in Jericho, New York

Lead singer of his band, Fozzy

Before making it big in pro wrestling, Jericho was a bouncer and a model in Canada.

Won his first WWF European Title at WrestleMania 2000 only to lose it the very next night on RAW to Eddie Guerrero.

Notable title wins include: WCWA Tag Team titles (2 times); CRMW Tag Team titles w/Lance Storm 1992; CRMW title; WWA Tag Team title (Mexico), w/ El Dandy; NWA Middleweight title (as Corazon de Leon); WAR International Junior Heavyweight title (as Lion Do); WAR International Junior Heavyeight Tag Team title (as Lion Do) w/ Gedo; ECW Television title; WCW Cruiserweight title (4); WCW Television title; WWF Intercontinental title (6); WWF European title; WWF Tag Team titles (2); WWF Hardcore title, 2001; WCW Heavyweight title; 1st Undisputed WWF/WCW Heavyweight Champion; WWE World Tag Team titles w/Christian;

Aside from his wrestling career, he appears regularly on VH1 shows like "I love the 90s" and "Best Week Ever."

Says that Shawn Michaels was a huge role model for him early in his career. Jericho actually tried to dress and wrestle like Shawn did when he was one half of the Rockers (with Marty Jannetty). Later, these two faced each other at WrestleMania XIX, in one of the best matches of 2003.

Was the WWE's millenium man. During the summer of 1999, a millenium countdown appeared on WWF tv. People noticed it really didn't countdown to the Millenium, but instead August 9, 1999 at 10:00 PM. At that hour during a promo by the Rock, Chris Jericho made his debut in WWF, and it has been touted as the best debut in WWE's history.

Was the first and only person to capture all 5 of the WWE Champsionships (WWE World Title, Intercontinental Title, Tag Team Titles, European Title and the Hardcore Title).

Holds the record for capturing the most WWE Intercontinental Title reigns (eight times).

Has held nearly every current WWE title in some form. (He held the World Heavyweight title when it was the WCW title as well as when it was half of the Undisputed title, he held the WWE title when it was half of the Undisputed title, he held the WCW Cruiserweight title before it became a WWE belt. He's also held the World Tag Team and Intercontinental titles). The only WWE titles Jericho hasn't held are the WWE Tag Team titles (from SmackDown!) and the WWE United States title (and, obviously, the Women's title).

Chris Jericho and his band Fozzy performed their first ever UK Gig on February 10th 2005 at Rock City in Nottingham. In true Rockstar fashion, Jericho was 40 minutes late for the show.

Was once managed by Teddy Long.

Jericho joined ECW in February 1996.

Former WWE Hardcore Champion.

Jericho formed a team with Lance Storm in Calgary called "Sudden Impact".

In April 1993, Jericho joined the EMLL promotion in Mexico, where he worked off and on for three years.

Former European Champion.

Former WCW Television Champion.

Jericho was spotted by Mexican promoter Carlos Elizondro while wrestling in the San Francisco area. Jericho became Corazon De Leon south of the border.

Previous Managers: Theodore Long, Ralphus, Chyna, Mr Curtis Hughes, Stephanie McMahon, Trish Stratus.

His favorite channel is VH1 and he frequently appears on programs for the channel.

Currently resides in Tampa, Florida and Los Angeles, California.

Children: Ash (b. 2003), Sierra (b. 2006), Cheynne (b. 2006).

On his birthday he flies to Mexico, then to Japan, then back to Mexico. (This way he has two birthdays in one day, due to the change in time zones!!)

Jericho was inducted into the Canadian Hall of Fame on September 25, 1997.

Former World Tag Team champion.

Upon his return to the States, Jericho reformed a team with Storm. This time they would be called the Thrillseekers.

Former ECW Television Champion.

Jericho trained at Stu Hart's pro-wrestling camp in Calgary, Alberta from June to September 1990.

Chris has duel citizenship in both Canada and the United States.

Resides in Tampa, Florida [2008].

Former WAR International Junior Heavyweight Championship.

He is a big fan of science fiction.

Personal Quotes

"An olympic [hero] with no neck, and a giant with no testicles!" In reference to Test: "The jerkle of the squared circle!" To Chyna in reference to her being Intercontinental Champion: "An idea more ridiculously enhanced than your breasts are!"

"Welcome to RAW is Jericho!"

"It will never EEEEVER happen again."

(To Viscera) "Even though you look like the lovechild of Fat Albert and Mr T, I will fight you tonight. I'd really like to get my hands on Eddie Guerrero and that SHANK Chyna, but instead I will fight you, who is bigger than both Eddie, and Chyna, and their extended families, and their living room furniture COMBINED!"

(To Shane McMahon) "Every day you come out here, these people call you that word that rhymes with wussy...(AUDIENCE: PUSSY!)...oh yeah, that's it!"

(To Vince McMahon) "VANCE McMahon, you have built the gigantic and successful federation, the WWF. You are a multi-BILLIONaire. But you did it all to make up for the fact that you have a very...small...penis!"

"Junior, I'll wrestle you anyday, cause baby, I'm Y2J!"

"You are a JACKASS!"

(about Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) "She considers herself to be the Queen of Hardcore, but movies don't really count."

(Talking to Chris Kanyon) "Who better than Kanyon? The answer to that is easy, every Jerichoholic in this building is better than Kanyon!"

(to Tazz) "I know that you've got a big head because you're the star of the MTV series Tough Enough. Well, Y2J thinks that you're better suited to being the star of another MTV series, Jackass!"

(Speaking backstage to Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley in Washington D.C.) "Stephanie, here we are in Washington DC and you, without your cigar."

(to Lance Storm) "Your name really isn't Lance Storm is it? It's really Forest Gump!"

(to Test) "How can a man whose name is short for testicles have absolutely none?"

(When he was Undisputed WWF Champion): "I am a living legend, larger than life, the first ever Undisputed WWF Champion!"

"You sanctimonious son of bitch."

"I'm gonna take you downtown to chinatown!"

"WCW Monday Nitro" (1995) $165,000

Where Are They Now

(August 2003) Current host of his own segment on RAW known as "Chris Jericho's Highlite reel", is in a feud with Kevin Nash and will compete along with Kevin Nash, Shawn Michales, Randy Orton, Goldberg and World Heavyweight Champion Triple H in the second ever Elimination Chamber at Summerslam 2003. Jericho along with Triple H and Shawn Michales also competed at the first Elimination Chamber match at the Survivor Series 2002 where all 3 of them were the last 3 of the six remaining in the match.

(April 2004) Is now feuding with his former tag team partner, Christian and former girlfriend, Trish Stratus. After she turned on him during his Wrestlemania XX match against Christian.

(June 2004) Currently feuding with WWE newcomer named Tyson Tomko. He will Face Tyson Tomko at the Bad Blood PPV.

(July 2004) Currently feuding with Evolution member Batista. Batista was the cause of Chris Jericho suffering a concussion due to a power closeline. Jericho has vowed to get his revenge on Batista, and may get the chance to do it when Chris Jericho will go one-on-one with Batista at the Vengeance PPV July 11th

(August 2004) Faced Batista and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Edge in a Triple Threat match for the title. But lost when Edge nailed Y2J with a spear to retain his title.

(September 2004) Set to face Christian in a ladder match for the vacant WWE Intercontinental Title (Edge was stripped of the title because of an injury) at WWE Unforgiven.

(September 2004) Captured his 7th WWE Intercontinental when he defeated Christian in a ladder match for the vacant title at WWE Unforgiven.

(October 2004) At Pay Per View event "Taboo Tuesday", Jericho lost his Intercontinental title to Shelton Benjamin in the opening match. Will compete in Survivor Series 2004 (Nov 14th) as a member of Randy Orton, 'Chris Benoit' and Maven's team, versus Triple H, Batista, Edge and Gene Snitzky.

(November 2004) Will take on screen control of WWE Raw for one week during the month, following victory over Triple H's team at Survivor Series.

(January 2005) Took part in 6 man Elimination Chamber for the Vacated WWE Heavyweight Title versus Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, Chris Benoit and Edge. Was the 3rd person to be eliminated from the chamber.

(January 2005) Will take part in the 2005 Royal Rumble in Fresno, California on Jan 30th after winning a qualification match in Winnipeg (his hometown) on Jan 16th.

(March 2005) He will compete at Wrestlemania 21 in the first ever "money in the bank ladder match" for a chance to face the world heavyweight champion

(July 2005) Eric Bishoff gave him an opportunity for The WWE Championship against John Cena at SummerSlam on August 21st, 2005 in Washington DC

(August 2005) Was "fired" from Monday Night Raw to take part in Fozzy's major overseas tour, which is getting very high reviews. Should return to the WWE by November-January.

(2007) Release of his book, "A Lion's Tale: Around the World in Spandex" by Chris with Peter Thomas Fornatale.

(November 2007) On November 15th, made his return to Monday night RAW.

Added (2009-08-18, 18:31)
David Michael Bautista, Jr.[4] (born January 18, 1969),[5] better known by his ring name, Batista, is an American professional wrestler currently signed to World Wrestling Entertainment on its Raw brand, but is currently inactive due to an injury.

In professional wrestling, Batista is a five-time world heavyweight champion, having won the World Heavyweight Championship four times and the WWE Championship one time. In addition to these championships, Batista has also won the World Tag Team Championship three times (twice with Ric Flair and once with John Cena) and the WWE Tag Team Championship once (with Rey Mysterio). Batista was also the winner of the 2005 Royal Rumble match.[1]

After trying out at the WCW Power Plant, Batista signed a contract with the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) in 2000 and was sent to its developmental federation, Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW), where he won the OVW Heavyweight Championship.

Early life

Bautista was born the son of David Michael Bautista, who is Filipino and Donna Raye Bautista, who is Greek.[4] His parents separated (and eventually divorced) after his mother came out as a lesbian.[6] His paternal grandparents were also from the Philippines as his grandfather served in the military, worked as a taxi driver, barber, and other odd jobs to feed the family. Bautista says he is not ashamed to admit he lived in poverty.[7]

He has publicly admitted to having a hard life where, as before he was age nine, three murders occurred on his front lawn.[8] As young as age 13, he was stealing automobiles.[9] By age 17, he was considered estranged from his parents and on his own,[10] despite admitting later that "I am proud of my parents. They are good, honest, hard-working folks. They taught me the values of working hard."[9] Bautista became a regular bouncer for clubs until he was arrested after a fight that left two badly injured patrons, one of which could be found lying in the street.[10] After a trial, he was sentenced to one year of probation.[10] He was also a lifeguard[11] before he pursued a career in bodybuilding.[10] He credits bodybuilding as possibly saving his life.[12]

Professional wrestling career

Bautista tried out at the WCW Power Plant but was told he would never make it in the wrestling business by Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker.[13] He then went to the World Wrestling Federation, who sent him to train with Afa Anoa'i's school in the Wild Samoan Training Centre.[14]

Ohio Valley Wrestling (2000–2002)

He made his Ohio Valley Wrestling debut in 2000 under the ring name Leviathan, where he immediately joined forces with Synn.[3] As a member of the Disciples of Synn stable, he went undefeated until being beaten at Christmas Chaos by Kane with help from Stone Cold Steve Austin. He later won the OVW Heavyweight Championship from "The Machine" Doug Basham before losing the belt to The Prototype. A few months later, Bautista left OVW after he was promoted to World Wrestling Entertainment.[15]

World Wrestling Entertainment (2002–present)


He began his WWE career on the May 9, 2002 episode of SmackDown! as Deacon Bautista, a villainous enforcer for Reverend D-Von.[16] He made his WWE in-ring debut in a tag team match teaming with D-Von against Faarooq and Randy Orton, pinning Orton. Over several weeks, Orton tried to beat D-Von and Bautista with different partners, but ultimately lost each time.[17] Bautista suffered his first loss in a match against Rikishi after D-Von accidentally punched him, allowing Rikishi to take advantage and pin Bautista. Bautista and D-Von argued over the forthcoming weeks, with Bautista eventually turning on D-Von.[18] After splitting with D-Von, he signed with Raw and was renamed to Dave Batista (or simply Batista). He aligned himself with Ric Flair[19] and feuded with Kane, whom he defeated at Armageddon.[20]

Evolution (2003–2005)
Main article: Evolution

In January 2003, Batista joined Triple H, Ric Flair and Randy Orton to form the villainous stable Evolution.[21] Batista, however, was sidelined for much of 2003 after he tore his right triceps muscle at a Raw live event in a tag team match against the Dudley Boyz. While training after the injury, Batista re-tore his triceps, extending his stay on the sidelines.[22] Batista made his return on the October 20 episode of Raw, interfering in a match between Bill Goldberg and Shawn Michaels and "shattering" Goldberg's ankle with a chair. After the interference, Evolution came out, and Triple H rewarded Batista with $100,000.[23] On the November 10 edition of Raw, Goldberg defeated Batista by disqualification when Triple H interfered.[24]

At Armageddon, Batista took part in two matches; losing to Shawn Michaels in a singles match,[25] and winning a tag team turmoil match along with Ric Flair to become one-half of the World Tag Team Champions.[26] By the end of the event, all four members of Evolution held every male championship on Raw, with Triple H winning the World Heavyweight Championship and Randy Orton winning the WWE Intercontinental Championship.[27] They held the title until the February 16, 2004 episode of Raw, when they were defeated by Booker T and Rob Van Dam.[28] They later regained the title for a short period.[29][30]

At Survivor Series, Triple H, Batista, Gene Snitsky, and Edge were defeated by Maven, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, and Randy Orton in an eight-man elimination tag team match for control of Raw over the following month;[31] the members of the winning team would each be the Raw general manager for a week. Throughout the next two months, the relationship between Batista and Triple H began to deteriorate. After a loss to Chris Jericho, Triple H verbally insulted Batista. Batista teased leaving Evolution that night, but declared that he was still part of Evolution and that they tricked everyone.[32] Despite this ploy, Batista began behaving more like a fan favorite over the next few weeks in comparison to Evolution's villainous tactics. One particular moment saw Batista express disgust as Triple H and Ric Flair boasted about how they had intimidated and/or beat up Jim Ross, Danny Hodge, and Stacy Keibler. Regardless, he continued to show his loyalty to Triple H and Evolution by running down to the ring and assisting them in matches.

As 2005 began, Triple H realized the possibility of Batista becoming a threat to his World Heavyweight Championship. Triple H suggested that he not enter the Royal Rumble, claiming that it would be selfish of him to do so, and to simply focus on Triple H retaining the title. Batista entered anyway and went on to win the Rumble earning the right to participate in the main event of WrestleMania 21 against the World Champion of his choice.[33] In an attempt to persuade Batista to challenge WWE Champion John "Bradshaw" Layfield rather than him, Triple H concocted a scheme to have Batista run over in a limousine resembling the one used by Layfield. Initially, Dave did not want help from Evolution and wanted to confront JBL by himself. Triple H insisted that Evolution stick together and accompanied Dave anyway, saving him from the oncoming vehicle.[34] Batista became aware of the plot while sneakily eavesdropping on fellow Evolution members and signed a contract guaranteeing him a match with the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H at WrestleMania 21, thus leaving Evolution and officially turning into a fan favorite. Batista initially pretended that he would sign with SmackDown!, giving Triple H and Flair the "thumbs up", but turned it into a "thumbs down" before attacking the pair. He emphasized his departure by powerbombing Triple H through the table used for the contract signing.[35]

Return to SmackDown! (2005–2006)
Batista in September 2005 as the World Heavyweight Champion.

Batista won the World Heavyweight Championship on April 3 at WrestleMania 21.[1][36] Batista won a rematch with Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship at Backlash.[37] After Batista retained his title against Edge, he was betrayed by Ric Flair, who helped Triple H viciously attack the champion as Triple H challenged Batista to a Hell in a Cell match at Vengeance.[38] Batista won the match at Vengeance, retaining his title yet again. With this win, Batista became the first wrestler to pin Triple H in a Hell in a Cell match.[39]
Batista at a SmackDown! live event in Cincinnati, Ohio.

On June 30, Batista was revealed as the last pick in the 2005 WWE Draft Lottery; he made a surprise appearance while JBL was celebrating his victory in a six-man elimination match to win the new SmackDown! Championship.[40] JBL defeated Batista at The Great American Bash by disqualification after the referee saw Batista use a steel chair.[41] They had a rematch at SummerSlam in a No Holds Barred match in which Batista pinned JBL.[42] The feud culminated in a Bull Rope match with Batista retaining his championshp.[43] Soon after retaining the title in a feud with Eddie Guerrero,[44] reported that Batista suffered a muscle tear in his back at the taping for the November 11 edition of SmackDown! due to a double chokeslam from Big Show and Kane.[45] Plans had been made for Batista to defend the title in a Triple Threat match with Eddie Guerrero and Randy Orton on the November 18 episode, but the match did not take place due to the unexpected death of Guerrero on November 13, the date of the taping. Batista paid homage to Guerrero during the SmackDown! and Raw tribute shows dedicated to Guerrero's memory.[46]

Batista led Team SmackDown! against Team Raw in an inter-brand feud before Survivor Series. The feud saw Big Show and Kane chokeslamming Batista several more times in the weeks leading up to Survivor Series in an on-camera explanation for Batista's injury.[47] Batista ultimately helped his team win the match.[48] After Batista saved Rey Mysterio from Big Show and Kane,[49] it was announced that Mysterio would team with Batista to face the Big Show and Kane at Armageddon.

On the December 16 edition of SmackDown!, Batista and Mysterio defeated WWE Tag Team Champions[50] MNM to become champions in a match they dedicated to Eddie Guerrero,[51] and the clash with Big Show and Kane at Armageddon turned into a Champions vs. Champions encounter. Batista and Mysterio lost to Kane and Big Show at Armageddon.[52] Two weeks later on SmackDown!, MNM defeated Batista and Mysterio after help from the returning Mark Henry to regain the WWE Tag Team Championships. During the interference, Henry attacked Batista, and performed his World's Strongest Slam.[53] The teams met again in a steel cage match that Henry also became involved in, and Batista and Rey were defeated again.[54] On January 9, announced that Batista tore his right triceps during a match with Mark Henry at a live event on January 6. Due to his injury, Batista was forced to vacate the World Heavyweight Championship at the SmackDown! tapings on January 13, two days after surpassing Triple H's previous mark of 280 days for longest reigning champion. In his book, Batista Unleashed, Batista said that he believed that Henry was "careless" during their match as he never gave Batista any warning that the move was coming. Batista went on to have successful surgery on his arm on January 12.[55]

Return from injury (2006)
Batista at a SmackDown! live event.

Batista made an appearance at No Way Out and told the crowd that once his arm had healed he would return to regain the World Heavyweight Championship.[56] At WrestleMania 22, he interrupted a Randy Orton interview, putting SmackDown! on notice; the World Heavyweight Championship would return to him by WrestleMania 23.[57] Batista made his official return during the July 7 edition of SmackDown! immediately calling out and entering into a feud with Mark Henry.[58] At Saturday Night's Main Event, Batista won a six man tag match with Rey Mysterio and Bobby Lashley taking on King Booker, Finlay, and Mark Henry.[59] Henry was legitimately injured and was ruled out of the scheduled match between the two at The Great American Bash, thus further delaying a potential feud between the two after being delayed by Batista's initial injury.[58]

Batista put out an open challenge to replace the injured Henry, which was answered by Mr. Kennedy.[60] Batista lost this match via disqualification for failing to stop choking Mr. Kennedy into the turnbuckle with his boot, but continued to attack Kennedy resulting in a laceration on his forehead so severe that it exposed his cranium and required more than 20 stitches to close.[61][62] Batista lost another match with Kennedy via count out in a rematch on SmackDown! before finally defeating Kennedy by pinfall on the August 4 edition of SmackDown!.[63][64]

During this time, Batista tried to regain a world title, facing both Big Show for his ECW World Championship on ECW,[65] and King Booker for his World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam and on SmackDown!. Batista won the SummerSlam match, but not the title as the contests ended via disqualification meaning Booker retained the title.[66] In the SmackDown! bout a few weeks later, Booker retained with help from his Court.[67] Batista remained a top contender to the World Championship, competing against King Booker on several occasions while feuding with Finlay,[68] before finally defeating Booker to regain the World Heavyweight Championship at Survivor Series.[1] Ironically, the win occurred at the same arena where he surrendered the title in January.[69]

Feuds with The Undertaker and Edge (2007)
Batista in a Puerto Rican house show as the World Heavyweight Champion.

At WrestleMania 23, Batista lost the championship to the winner of the Royal Rumble match, The Undertaker.[70] They continued to battle over the title to a stalemate in a Last Man Standing match at Backlash[71] and a Steel Cage Match on the May 11 episode of SmackDown!. Following the latter, Edge took advantage and won the title from The Undertaker by cashing in his Money in the Bank contract.[72] Afterward, Batista challenged Edge unsuccessfully for the World Heavyweight Championship at Judgment Day, One Night Stand (in a Steel Cage Match), and Vengeance: Night of Champions (in a Last Chance match).[73][74] The loss at Vengeance stipulated that Batista could no longer get another chance at the World Heavyweight Championship while Edge remained champion.[75]

Batista accepted an open challenge from The Great Khali at The Great American Bash. Edge relinquished the title due to an injury the week before the pay-per-view, and Khali became the new World Heavyweight Champion, winning a Battle Royal and eliminating Batista. Batista and Kane, Edge's title opponent, faced Khali at The Great American Bash in a Triple Threat match where Khali retained the title.[76] Batista received a disqualification victory against Khali at SummerSlam after Khali used a steel chair, thus retaining the title again.[77] Batista finally claimed his third World Heavyweight Championship after eight consecutive attempts, by defeating Khali in a match that included Rey Mysterio at Unforgiven.[1][78] His first challenge was from The Great Khali in a Punjabi Prison Match at No Mercy where Batista retained his title. He won the match by leaping from the inner bamboo structure to the outer one, shortening his escape route and beating Khali to the floor.[79]

After the return of the The Undertaker at Unforgiven, the duo reignited their feud at Cyber Sunday where the fans chose Stone Cold Steve Austin as the Special Guest Referee. Batista pinned The Undertaker after two Batista Bombs.[80] The feud continued with a Hell in a Cell match at Survivor Series. During the match, Edge returned and interfered by giving The Undertaker a con-chair-to. He then pulled an unconscious Batista on top of The Undertaker for the pinfall to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.[81] At Armageddon, Edge won a Triple Threat Match, alongside The Undertaker for Batista's World Heavyweight Championship.[82]

Return to Raw (2008-2009)

Batista appeared in the Royal Rumble and was eliminated by Triple H. At No Way Out, he was part of the SmackDown Elimination Chamber Match and eliminated Big Daddy V, but was last eliminated by The Undertaker. At WrestleMania XXIV, he defeated Umaga in an interpromotional match. After Shawn Michaels defeated Ric Flair at the same event,[83] Batista began a feud with Michaels, calling him selfish and egotistical. The two faced off at Backlash with Chris Jericho as the Special Guest referee. Michaels won after faking a knee injury and performing Sweet Chin Music.[84] Batista then defeated Michaels at One Night Stand in a stretcher match, thus ending their feud.[85]

On June 23, Batista was drafted from SmackDown to the Raw brand during the 2008 WWE Draft.[86] Batista became a World Tag Team Champion for a third time on the August 4 edition of Raw when he teamed up with John Cena to defeat Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase for the title,[87][88] but they failed to retain the titles against the former champions on the next episode of Raw.[89] Batista narrowly defeated Cena at SummerSlam.[90]

On October 26 at Cyber Sunday, Batista defeated Chris Jericho for his fourth World Heavyweight Championship in a match in which Stone Cold Steve Austin was voted in as the special guest referee.[91] Batista's reign, however, only lasted eight days when Jericho won back the title in a Steel Cage match on a three-hour special episode of Raw.[92]

Batista then entered a feud with former Evolution partner, Randy Orton; at Survivor Series, Batista led a team of himself, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy, and R-Truth to face the team of Randy Orton, Shelton Benjamin, William Regal, Cody Rhodes, and Mark Henry. Batista was pinned by Orton, winning the match for his team. His feud with Orton continued up to Armageddon where Batista defeated Orton. On the December 15 edition of Raw, Batista was put into a handicap match against The Legacy with John Cena as his partner. During the match, Orton struck Batista with a punt to the head. Batista was knocked out and put out of action indefinitely due to a (kayfabe) head injury. later reported that Batista elected to undergo surgery to repair a hamstring tear.[93] The hamstring was injured at SummerSlam, in the same match that former World Heavyweight Champion John Cena was forced out of action with a neck injury. He was expected to be out of action for six to eight months.

Batista returned on the April 6 episode of Raw, to save Triple H, Shane McMahon, and Vince McMahon from The Legacy. Vince McMahon, then announced that Batista would take his place at Backlash, where he would team up with WWE Champion Triple H, and Shane McMahon, to face The Legacy. During the match, Batista had brought out a chair, but Triple H tried to stop him, so they would not get disqualified. This distraction however, cost Triple H his championship, after he lost it to Orton. The following night on Raw, Batista won a singles match against Big Show due to a distraction by John Cena, to become the number one contender for the WWE Championship at Judgment Day.[94] Batista went on to defeat Orton in a rematch at Extreme Rules in a Steel Cage match to capture the WWE Championship.[95] However, on the June 8th edition of Raw, Batista was to vacate the title due to a staged brutal attack by Orton and the Legacy. It was later revealed that Batista had suffered a legitimate torn left biceps. Legacy was given on-screen credit for his injury[96]


In addition to wrestling, Bautista has been in several commercials and on several magazine covers. He was shown breakdancing in a commercial promoting WWE SummerSlam in 2004 where he did his take on a "floor routine", a routine that arguably mocked the floor routines shown at the Olympic Games.[97] He was also on the cover of the April 2005 Flex magazine[98] and Muscle & Fitness for September 2008.[99]

Moreover, Bautista has acted and has guest starred in several television shows as both himself and in-character as Batista. He guest starred in the eighth episode of Season 6 of the American drama, action/adventure television series Smallville; he played an extraterrestrial alien named Aldar that escaped from the Phantom Zone, who sucks the bones out of people for nourishment.[100] Along with John Cena and Ashley Massaro, Bautista appeared representing WWE on an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition in January 2007, giving the kids of the family whose house was renovated WWE merchandise and eight tickets to WrestleMania 23.[101]

During the week of November 5, 2007, he appeared on Family Feud with several other WWE superstars.[102] On September 7, 2008, he appeared on an episode of Iron Chef America as one of the judges, with snails as the theme ingredient[103] Batista, along with Candice Michelle, Shelton Benjamin, and Josh Matthews, represented the WWE at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in an effort to persuade fans to register to vote in the 2008 Presidential election.[104] Bautista has also appeared on MTV Cribs showing his house and his cars.[105]

In May 2, 2009, he was shown on camera where he accompanied Philippine boxer Manny Pacquiao in his fight against British boxer Ricky Hatton in which Pacquiao won in the second round. He told the UK Sun that he loves Hatton, but Manny is in a league of his own, adding that he is thrilled to be there to support Manny before his bout.[106]

In June 2009, Batista made a cameo appearance in an episode of the Australian soap opera Neighbours.[107] He has also made a cameo appearance in Relative Strangers.[9]

Batista is currently working alongside Rob Van Dam and Ja Rule in an upcoming movie titled Wrong Side of Town.[108] Batista will also star in the movie Wapakman alongside Manny Pacquiao and Nicole Scherzinger. He is confirmed to be the villain in the movie.[109][110]


Criticism of WWE and TNA

In 2005, Batista gave two controversial interviews to the British tabloid newspaper The Sun. In the first interview, Bautista, then wrestling on the Raw brand of WWE, criticized SmackDown!, stating, "I've watched their tapings live and it seems like a lot of the guys couldn't care less. There's a lack of passion and pride."[111] In the second interview, Batista acknowledged that his statements had attracted considerable backstage heat from members of the SmackDown! brand. He then went on to claim, "there are guys on both shows who are lazy, couldn't care less and show no dedication." He then criticized rival wrestling promotion Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, claiming, "I've also seen clips of their car wreck matches with A.J. Styles doing his stunts. That's not wrestling. Wrestling is storytelling."[112] In April 2006, Styles responded to Batista's comments, stating, "I think it's funny that a guy who takes a bump and tears his back tells me that I don't know how to wrestle.[113]

Backstage problems

Batista's backstage problems continued at a SummerSlam pay-per-view commercial shoot. It was reported that Bautista got into a real-life fistfight with Booker T. The incident was reported on, with both men telling their sides of the story. The fight was believed to stem from the idea that Batista considered himself to be better than the rest of the roster due to his main event status and relatively quick climb to achieve it. It is believed that Batista provoked the fight, though Huffman appeared to get the upper hand until they were pulled apart by various superstars. Huffman swore revenge, but the two seemingly put it behind them.[114][115][116]

Steroid allegations

In August 2007, Bautista was accused of anabolic steroid use after an ESPN article released the names of wrestlers that were clients of Signature Pharmacy of Orlando, Florida, one of many pharmacies under investigation for filling illegal prescription drugs.[117] Bautista released a statement denying ESPN's allegations and was reportedly furious over the report. He denied ever being a customer of Signature and stated that he has been "tested regularly by the WWE, and I am in full compliance with the WWE Wellness Program".[118] The WWE reportedly suspended ten wrestlers named in the controversy, though Batista was not one of them.[117]

Personal life

Bautista was married to a woman named Glenda in the early 1990s and had two daughters with her, Keilani (born in 1990) and Athena (born in 1992) before divorcing.[119] Bautista married his second wife Angie on October 13, 1998, yet they divorced in 2006. Before the age of 40, Bautista had already become a grandfather of two grandsons: Jacob and Aiden by Keilani, his first daughter.[120][121] During his marriage with Angie, Bautista became an avid collector of vintage metal lunchboxes. He admits his favorite is the 1967 Green Hornet lunch box, as it has Bruce Lee on it. This collection started when he bought Angie an ET lunchbox and she did not want to break it, so he bought a second one.[122] Bautista revealed that he and Angie were separated in the August 2006 edition of WWE Magazine.[123] He later revealed, in his autobiography, a relationship with WWE Diva Melina Perez after the divorce from his wife in 2006, which led to a brief angle on SmackDown! during a feud with MNM.[124]

In October 2007, his autobiography Batista Unleashed, was released.[15] In an interview about the book, Bautista claims "I didn't want to tell my story unless it was honest," and that "you have to go through three sets of lawyers: Simon & Schuster lawyers, WWE lawyers, my lawyers. Everything now being the way it is, you can be sued for the simplest thing."[125] One source of controversy was the mentioning of Chris Benoit, who was almost completely removed due to the Chris Benoit double murder and suicide. Bautista responded saying "I loved the guy. I despise what he did, but that doesn't erase him from my life. I fought to keep him in there and glad they did."[125] When asked about his ex-wife, Angie, he says "[we] have really become close again, which we really haven't been in years. I really learned a lot about her, and she learned a lot about me from reading the book. She actually saw things from a different perspective from reading the book. So that was definitely therapeutic."[125]

He has numerous tattoos, including a large Chinese dragon on his back, red Kanji lettering on his upper left biceps which says "Angel" in tribute to his former wife Angie, a signature design on his upper right biceps, and a small Sun on his stomach which encircles his belly button.[126] He recently added a tattoo on his arm of the flags of the Philippines and Greece merged into one.

In wrestling
Batista delivering his finishing move, the Batista Bomb, to Finlay.
Batista delivering a Spinebuster to Edge.

* As Batista
o Finishing moves
+ Batista Bomb[1] (Sitout powerbomb)
+ Spear[127][128]
+ Spinebuster[2][44][78]
o Signature moves
+ Big boot, sometimes to a seated or kneeling opponent
+ Diving shoulder block
+ Multiple powerslam variations
# Front[129]
# Spinning side
# Vertical suplex
+ Multiple turnbuckle thrusts
+ Running clothesline[130]
+ Two–handed chokelift[3]

* As Leviathan
o Finishing moves
+ Belly to back suplex lifted and twisted into a running powerslam
+ Demon Bomb[3] (Sitout powerbomb)
o Signature moves
+ Big boot, sometimes to a seated opponent
+ Elevated single leg Boston crab[3]
+ Hammerlock / Armbar combination[3]
+ Spear[3]

* Managers
o Synn[3]
o Reverend D-Von[3]
o Ric Flair[3]
o Triple H[3]

* Entrance themes
o "Voodoo" by Godsmack (Ohio Valley Wrestling; Used while a part of The Disciples of Synn)
o "Eyes of Righteousness" by Jim Johnston (Used while teaming with Reverend D-Von)
o "Line in the Sand" by Motörhead (Used while a part of Evolution)
o "I Walk Alone" by Saliva[2] (2005-present)

Championships and accomplishments
Batista as World Heavyweight Champion in 2005.
Batista during his second World Heavyweight Championship reign.

* Ohio Valley Wrestling
o OVW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated
o PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year (2005)[132]
o PWI Wrestler of the Year (2005)[133]
o PWI ranked him #1 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2005
* World Wrestling Entertainment
o World Heavyweight Championship (4 times)
o World Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Ric Flair (2) and John Cena (1)
o WWE Championship (1 time)[140]
o WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Rey Mysterio
o Royal Rumble (2005)

* Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards
o Feud of the Year (2005) vs. Triple H
o Feud of the Year (2007) vs. The Undertaker

I Skaicius nekreipkit demesio ;D

Added (2009-08-18, 18:48)
Ring name(s) Batista[1]
Dave Batista
Deacon Bautista[2]
Kahn / Khan[2]
Billed height 6 ft 5.5 in (1.97 m)[1]
Billed weight 290 lb (130 kg)[1]
Born January 18, 1969 (1969-01-18) (age 40)
Washington, D.C.[2]
Resides Tampa, Florida[2]
Billed from Washington, D.C.[1]
Trained by Afa Anoa'i[2][3]
Debut 1997[3]

Message edited by DeXiuXaS - Antradienis, 2009-08-18, 18:31
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